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GFP´s radio show,
drama and ads

After a research through experience design Humanistic understands that it must be create a schedule with good farming practices content each month. So, the farmer has a farming practice´s radio show, radio drama and ads related to the agricultural good farming practice that is usually carried out each month. Here below you can listen all them.
"Vamos cañeros" song
and videoclip

Vamos Cañeros
El primo Chema

Song that reached number 1ª on radios in El Salvador.
Vamos cañerosEl primo Chema
00:00 / 03:02
The song “Vamos cañeros” was created in order to encourage the sugar plantation farmer´s job and his value to take care of the environment. It was broadcast on countless radios and is used at the beginning of many workshops.
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